Saturday, December 13, 2008

Directory of Operations Research Specialists

A list of Operations Research practitioners/specialists/analysts/consultants...

We are the OR people!

Stoney Chen - Master of Management in Operations Research - UBC - Vancouver, BC

Koyuki Nakamori - MM in OR - UBC - Vancouver, BC

Patricia Rebeca - MM in OR - UBC - Vancouver, BC

Dawen Peng - MM in OR - UBC - London, UK

Candice Chan - MM in OR - UBC - Vancouver, BC

Marianela Pereira - MM in OR - UBC - Vancouver, BC

JinJin Fu - MM in OR - UBC - Vancouver, BC

Matthew Nelson - MM in OR - UBC - Vancouver, BC

Hessam Bavafa - MM in OR - UBC - Vancouver, BC

above people are in the order of the picture below.

Aberlardo Mayoral-Fierros - MM in OR '04 - UBC - Vancouver, BC

Albert Wang - MM in OR '08 - UBC - San Diego, CA

Aleksey Nozdryn-Plotnicki - MM in OR '08 - UBC - London, UK

Levent Ozkan - ICRON Technologies - Singapore

Don't see your name here?

Add yourself by leaving a comment:

Name - Affiliation or Corporation - City, Province

I will check the comments frequently to add you onto the main page. 

Or you can email me direct at [dawen at ThinkOR dot org ].

Yours truly - Masters of Management in Operations Research, Class 2008

Masters of Management in Operations Research Class 2008 - UBC Centre for Operations Excellence (COE)

* MM in OR = Masters of Management in Operations Research

** UBC = University of British Columbia

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Aleksey Nozdryn-Plotnicki

Masters of Management in Operations Research, 2008
Centre for Operations Excellence,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

Bachelor of Science - Mathematics, 2006
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

2007 INFORMS UBC Student Chapter - Webmaster

Hobbies & Personal Interests:
Skiing, adventure traveling, hiking, kayaking

Contact Information:

Levent Ozkan

Bachelor's Degree, Industrial Engineering, Bosphorus University, Istanbul, Turkey

Specialization: Advanced Planning & Scheduling, Finite Capacity Planning

Contact Information:

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Albert Wang

Masters of Management in Operations Research, 2008
Centre for Operations Excellence,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering, 2006
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

2007 INFORMS UBC Student Chapter - President

Hobbies & Personal Interests:
Poker, pool, travel, investing, telecommunications

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Aberlardo Mayoral-Fierros

Masters of Management in Operations Research, Class 2004
Centre for Operations Excellence,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

Industrial and Systems Engineer, 1998.
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico

2004 INFORMS UBC Student Chapter - President and founder

Hobbies & Personal Interests:
Music, beer, chocolate

Contact Information:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dawen Peng

Masters of Management in Operations Research, Class 2008
Centre for Operations Excellence,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

View Dawen Peng's profile on LinkedIn

2008 INFORMS UBC Student Chapter - Communications Manager

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, 2005 - University of British Columbia

Research Interests:
Healthcare applications, optimization, operations management, decision analysis

Hobbies & Personal Interests:
Skiing, ballroom dancing, reading, surfing, theatre

Contact Information:

Marianela Pereira

Masters of Management in Operations Research Candidate, Class 2008
Centre for Operations Excellence,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

2008 INFORMS UBC Student Chapter - President

Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering 2004 - University of Chile
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering 2006 - University of Chile

Research Interests:
Decision Analysis, Optimization, Mining Applications and Health Care Applications

Hobbies & Personal Interests:
Figure Skating, Movies, Latin-American literature.

Contact Information:

Stoney Chen

Masters of Management in Operations Research Candidate, Class 2008
Centre for Operations Excellence,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

2008 INFORMS UBC Student Chapter - Vice President

Bachelor of Applied Science in Civil Engineering, 2007 - University of British Columbia

Hobbies & Personal Interests:
Golf, badminton, soccer, poker

Contact Information:

JinJin Fu

Masters of Management in Operations Research Candidate, Class 2008
Centre for Operations Excellence,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

2008 INFORMS UBC Student Chapter - Secretary

Contact Information:

Hessam Bavafa

Masters of Management in Operations Research Candidate, Class 2008
Centre for Operations Excellence,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

2008 INFORMS UBC Student Chapter - Treasurer

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, 2007 - Sharif University of Technology

Research Interests:
Supply Chain Management, Healthcare, Simulation

Hobbies & Personal Interests:
Soccer, Aikido

Contact Information: